Ash Ketchum is the main
protagonist of the Pokémon anime series who has always dreamed
of becoming a Pokémon Master and as soon as he hit the age of
ten, he rushed to Professor Oak's Laboratory to get his first
Pokémon. He's the first character to be introduced in the
series. Originally wanting to choose Squirtle, Ash ended up
getting the Pokémon Pikachu, and left on his journey.
At first, Pikachu did
not listen to Ash and kept running away, so Ash had to tie him
up. Then after getting chased by a flock of Spearow, Ash
attempted to save Pikachu from them; Pikachu, after seeing Ash
so determined to help him, protected Ash from the Spearow. From
then on, Pikachu and Ash became best friends for life. As a
completely unskilled trainer, Ash started his adventure; while
meeting his friends Misty and Brock and capturing new Pokémon.
Ash eventually defeated
all the Gym Leaders in Kanto, allowing him to enter in the
Pokémon League. Since then, he has continued to travel, make new
friends such as Tracey, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, and Cilan;
challenging all Gym Leaders and capturing new Pokémon, while
still following his goal of becoming a Pokémon Master. Since
this goal is so close to his heart, he sometimes acts a bit rash
and rushes to the next battle he can as fast as possible. Ash is
currently traveling in the Kalos region, with his new friends:
Bonnie, Clemont and his old childhood friend, Serena. Ash's name
in the Japanese version of the anime is Satoshi, which is also
the name of the creator of Pokémon. It is unknown who Ash's
father is; but, according to 'Pokémon Live!', it is stated that
his mother dated Giovanni and was in his gang, but took a better
route in life when she met Ash's father.
Through the course of
all the seasons up to now it seems that Ash's closest friends
are still Misty and Brock given that they have had more time
together maturing their friendships and Ash seems to keep both
close in his memories while moving from region to region. Most
noticeably when he show's Dawn his lure that Misty gave him as a
Ash's English voice
actor's are: Veronica Taylor (Seasons 1-8), Kayzie Rogers
(Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon special) & Sarah Natochenny (Seasons
9-Current, 21). |

Misty's first appearance
was in the very first episode of the anime series, Pokémon -
I Choose You!. In this episode, she first meets Ash after
fishing him out of the water when he was trying to get away from
Spearow. Ash then takes Misty's bike from her in order to escape
the Spearow, which is then wrecked by Pikachu's ThunderShock.
Misty then tracks down Ash and follows him around on his
adventures until he can pay her back. She eventually forgets
about the bike and becomes one of Ash's closest friends. She is
also the Cerulean City Gym Leader.
The youngest of the Four
Cerulean Sisters. Misty's personality in the anime can be very
complex at times. She can be very nice to her friends but will
then quickly change moods in a short amount of time,
particularly anger. She is quite proficient in anything having
to do with water as can be seen in certain episodes where she
has ability in fishing, swimming, and overall Water Pokémon
Eventually, after the
Silver Conference in Johto, Misty's bike was repaired, leaving
Misty without an excuse to follow Ash around. Around this time,
Misty's sisters call her to inform her that they are going on a
world tour and need her back at the Gym. Even though she wanted
to stay with Ash, Misty felt obligated to watch over the Gym.
The two went their separate ways, and Misty became the official
Gym Leader at Cerulean City's Gym.
Misty has since appeared
in the Advance Generation series and in the Mastermind of
Pokemon special but has not been involved since only in
flashbacks. The latest flashback coming in Episode 769 - The
Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion of the Best Wishes Series as Ash
remembered his early adventures with his Charmander and
Charizard's evolution. However Misty and Brock have been making
guest appearances in the Sun & Moon Series, 4 episodes known as
of now. It is not known if Misty will ever make
another guest appearance or become a main cast on the show again.
Misty's English voice
actor's are: Rachael Lillis (4Kids-Original Series) & Michele Knotz (Advance, Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon special and Best
Wish's flashbacks, & Sun & Moon). |